Walking into a new year requires a shift in mindset and composure to ensure a pattern of success. Christ doesn't call us to be lazy individuals but informed and empowered by him.
As we begin to partake on the new year, we must begin to see the call that God has on our lives is simply not an ordinary one. Ordinary people are not meant to do much, but if you have chosen to follow after Christ, why do behave like the world? There are simply two types of individuals in this world. Those who belong to Christ and those who don't. There is supposed to be a distinct difference in those who walk according to the world and those who according to Christ. If you belong to Christ, why are we behaving and partaking in the same patterns as those who are in the world? The lord has called to live a life that is set apart. The only way to do this, is to have our minds transformed by him.
In Romans 12:1-2, Paul writes to the Romans and in this section of scripture' he highlights the important of God's righteous and practical ways this is shown in our lives.
Romans 12:1-2 NKJV 1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
While it is a hard truth to swallow, the Lord commands us to walk in accordance to his will and his way; many of us will never do so because we don't seek the will of God. Gods nature is perfect and as believers living in a fallen world; we are constantly bombarded by the culture around them to act against Gods perfect will. It is encouraged to make self-deprecating jokes, downplay ourselves and make self sabotaging attempts to ruin our selves and our dignity. Doesn't it seem odd to walk year after year in the same consistent patterns: you never meet that weight loss goal, swimming in debt, relationships fall apart etc. Not much can be done outside the will of God. Why are people who belong to Christ simply enjoying living simplistic lives of failure?
Our minds must be transformed according to Gods perfect will. Without the cleansing presence of God, we are bound to operate in the patterns of this world. Jesus Christ came to grant us everlasting life and a provide us the chance to know God for ourselves. This opportunity is not something we should take lightly. What is Gods perfect will exactly? Gods will for us as believers is to dwell with him by consecrating ourselves and renewing our minds with Christ. You will not know peace outside of Gods will.
In this New Year, Seek what pleases God. He wants to know your presence and your face. God is a jealous God, he seeks to have our worship. Seek him and find what pleases him. Before you make your new years plans, truly sit and pray and ask yourself, did you seek the Lords perfect will for your life. Change cannot occur without first taking the proper step to acknowledge the one who sees all and knows all.
Dust off your Bibles and prayer journals and begin seeking God like never before.